Believe it or not our heart does not beat at the same rate, there are natural variations in the beat to beat. When we experience feelings of wellbeing, our heart adopts a certain pattern.
During HRV (Heart rate Variability) biofeedback sessions, we assess how closely your HRV follows that pattern. We teach methods to increase HRV and offer various ways to practice it.
HRV (Heart-rate variability) biofeedback is one of the best researched and widely used biofeedback methods across the globe; go to heartmath.com for more information.
BIofeedback can help people get more in touch with what is happening in their body. Our sensors provide immediate information to you so that you can see what is happening with your body in real time.
HRV biofeedback is useful for people with chronic stress and chronic medical conditions like insomnia, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, auto-immune disorders, chronic pain, inflammation, etc.
At WellBeing CNY, we offer HRV biofeedback in two ways:
as part of our Neurofeedback therapy program (first 3 sessions are biofeedback and are included in your Neurofeedback Program fee )​
as a stand alone treatment, $100 per session. ​
Please email us at wellbeing.cny@gmail.com for more information

We use the Heartmath Emwave Pro system